Elden Ring Ascended Mod: Exploring the Depths and Conquering Challenges

Welcome back to the Elden Ring Ascended Mod! In this episode, our fearless gamer embarks on a journey filled with discoveries, boss battles, and strategic encounters. Join us as we explore new areas, face formidable foes, and witness the power of upgraded summons and equipment.

New Schedule and Personal Series:

Before delving into the gameplay, our gamer shares some exciting updates. A new schedule of three uploads a week is on the horizon, with a mix of Elden Ring content and another game series yet to be decided. Additionally, a more personal series is in the works, promising stories and discussions about life.

Ascended Mod Discoveries:

Our gamer begins by heading to the Catacombs, aiming to upgrade summons using Redon’s Great Elden Ring Runes. However, unexpected obstacles arise, preventing access to certain areas. The journey unfolds with encounters with transformed creatures and a tree spirit in the Catacombs, sparking curiosity and speculation.

New Summons Unleashed:

The Ascended Mod introduces powerful summons like the Falling Star Beast, Miss Begotten, and others. Our gamer showcases their abilities, expressing excitement over potential strategies and gameplay changes. The video captures the anticipation and thrill of exploring new possibilities.

Game Updates and Bug Encounters:

Throughout the gameplay, our gamer discusses updates and potential bug encounters. From crashing zones to unexpected changes in characters, the journey becomes a blend of excitement and adaptability. The gamer’s humor and resilience shine through as they navigate challenges and unexpected situations.

Unveiling Redon’s Great Rune:

The pivotal moment arrives as our gamer unveils Redon’s Great Rune, showcasing its incredible effects. With boosted stats, enhanced resistances, and additional spells, the Great Rune transforms the gameplay experience. The joy and satisfaction of acquiring this powerful tool resonate with the audience.

Boss Battles and Strategic Approaches:

Boss battles take center stage, with encounters against the Earth Tree Boss, Apostle, and more. Our gamer experiments with different strategies, from facing challenges head-on to exploring potential cheese tactics. The narrative unfolds as victories are celebrated, setbacks are overcome, and the gamer’s skills are put to the test.

Exploration and Unexpected Finds:

The journey continues with exploration into new territories, uncovering hidden items, and facing unique enemies. From the Altus Tunnel to the Hero’s Grave, every step brings a mix of anticipation and surprise. Our gamer’s commentary adds a personal touch, creating a connection with the audience.

Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned:

As the gamer faces tough adversaries like the Devil’s Tree Sentinel and Jacaré, the importance of adaptability becomes evident. Challenges are acknowledged, strategies are refined, and valuable lessons are learned along the way. The gamer’s determination resonates with viewers, creating a shared experience of triumphs and defeats.


In this episode of Elden Ring Ascended Mod, our gamer navigates through diverse challenges, unveils powerful upgrades, and showcases strategic prowess. The article captures the essence of exploration, discovery, and overcoming obstacles in the ever-evolving world of the Elden Ring. Stay tuned to MMOexp for more adventures, boss battles, and unexpected twists in the next thrilling episode! And also can buy Elden Ring Items here!