OSRS Best Maps

There are many locations in OSRS that you’ll often visit. The open maps built in the game aren’t that great as some areas take time to unlock or access. For instance, the Slayer Cave, God Wars Dungeon, etc.

Truth be told, it’s actually easier to use external maps available on different OSRS content-related websites. That’s precisely what we’re going to look into today. So, let’s start!

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Slayer Cave Map

Slayer Cave is located under the Tree Gnome Stronghold. You’ll be spending most of your time here during Slayer assignments. If you’re new to Slayer, it might be difficult for you to navigate through the cave using the official OSRS map. So, we recommend the one that showcases the layouts better, as well as explains where you can find a specific monster.

Stronghold of Security Map

Stronghold of Security is a multi-leveled stronghold, and it can be quite hard to locate and navigate through without making the mistake of choosing the wrong path. We advise you use the map that showcases all the floors of the stronghold in detail.

Underground Pass Map

The Underground Pass is one of the most challenging dungeons in the game. You cannot make your way through without help. Why? It’s a big dungeon with parts divided within it. You’ll need multiple maps opened before entering it. We suggest you use a source that has maps for each section in the dungeon.

OSRS Fairy Ring Map

Fairy Rings spread out across the game, making it a priority for players to have a map that showcases all the locations. We believe you should use a map that also has the location’s corresponding codes mentioned so you can quickly teleport to wherever needed.

Wilderness Map

Using a built-in map in the Wilderness is a gamble because you cannot keep an eye out for Player Killers that may be a possible threat to you. We advise you to look for a map that helps keep track of what’s happening in your surroundings, as well as where you’re currently at.

God Wars Dungeon Map

The God Wars Dungeon has two parts that players often search for. One shows how you can reach the dungeon, while the other shows how you can navigate within. Once again, we suggest you search for a guide that displays what kind of enemies you’re going to face on the chosen path.

Catacombs Map

You’ll be visiting the Catacombs every now and then when on a Slayer task. Being one of the biggest dungeons in the game, you’ll need a map for sure to navigate through. So, look for an external map before entering, or you won’t be able to survive here.