FC 24: The automatic player switching on aerial balls appears to be malfunctioning

The automatic player switching on aerial balls appears to be malfunctioning, which I believe is the default setting. This issue is notably worse compared to previous FIFA iterations, suggesting a poorly coded implementation.

Coming from FIFA 21, a game I played extensively, I’ve never encountered such problems with auto player switching on aerial balls. The transitions were always smooth.

In the current game, there are situations where the feature simply fails to function correctly. Notably, when I’m attempting to regain defensive position by tracking an opponent making a run and they execute a lofted through ball over my controlled defender, the game often inexplicably switches my control to a player farther from the ball. This is especially problematic when my fullback is out of position and the game redirects control to a center back, who is no closer to the ball than the original fullback. The need to manually switch back to the original defender results in a temporary loss of control, causing a slowdown.

Another issue arises when the game fails to switch to the player involved in the aerial play. For instance, during an opponent’s corner, the ball hit my center back, but the game didn’t auto-switch control to him, despite being the only player in proximity to the ball. This occurrence, never witnessed in past FIFA editions with over 1000 hours of play, highlights a notable flaw.

Furthermore, the manual switching for the player closest to the ball lacks consistency. It alternates between choosing the player nearest to the ball and the one closest to the player receiving the ball, leading to an unpredictable experience.

In terms of clearances, the game sometimes restricts my ability to switch players, forcing a specific player to attempt to get the ball. This results in scenarios where my shorter players contest headers while taller defenders like Van Dijk remain idle.

Overall, the issues with automatic and manual player switching on aerial balls have significantly impacted the gameplay experience, introducing unpredictability and frustration.

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